Integrated Annual Report 2012
The Culture of Values


Grupa LOTOS S.A. - Integrated Annual Report 2012


LOTOS 2012 Report
 Integrated Annual Report 2012 (462 pages) pdf 12 MB Download
My LOTOS Report

Choose chapters of Report or download them as a ZIP package

Useful information pdf 454 KB Download
Corporate governance pdf 1 MB Download
Financial information pdf 2 MB Download
Risk management pdf 443 KB Download
Implementing the strategy pdf 3 MB Download
Sustainable development pdf 3 MB Download
The Organization and its Report pdf 3 MB Download
LOTOS Databook
 LOTOS Databook 2012 xlsx 505 KB Download
Corporate documents
 By-Laws of the Supervisory Board of Grupa LOTOS pdf 146 KB Download
 Regulations of the General Assemblies of Grupa LOTOS pdf 135 KB Download
 Management Board Regulations of Grupa LOTOS pdf 100 KB Download
 Statute of Grupa LOTOS pdf 213 KB Download
 LOTOS Group Strategy 2011-2015 pdf 2 MB Download
Previous reports
 Integrated Annual Report 2011 pdf 21 MB Download
 Consolidated Annual Report 2010 pdf 11 MB Download
 Consolidated Annual Report 2009 pdf 6 MB Download
 Annual Report 2008 pdf 5 MB Download
 Social Responsibility Report 2008 pdf 2 MB Download
 Annual Report 2007 pdf 6 MB Download
 Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2006-2007 pdf 4 MB Download
 Annual Report 2006 pdf 7 MB Download
 Environmental Report 2006 pdf 4 MB Download
Consolidated Annual Report 2012
 CEO letter 2012 pdf 1 MB Download
 IFRS LOTOS Group 2012 pdf 2 MB Download
 Directors Report LOTOS Group 2012 pdf 3 MB Download
 Representation LOTOS Group audit financial statements 2012 pdf 283 KB Download
 Representation LOTOS Group on compliance 2012 pdf 333 KB Download
 Auditor opinion LOTOS Group 2012 pdf 106 KB Download
 Auditor report LOTOS Group 2012 pdf 238 KB Download
Non-consolidated Annual Report 2012
 CEO letter 2012 pdf 1 MB Download
 IFRS Grupa LOTOS 2012 pdf 2 MB Download
 Directors Report Grupa LOTOS 2012 pdf 2 MB Download
 Representation Grupa LOTOS audit financial statements 2012 pdf 284 KB Download
 Representation Grupa LOTOS on compliance 2012 pdf 334 KB Download
 Grupa LOTOS Auditor opinion 2012 pdf 109 KB Download
 Grupa LOTOS Auditor report 2012 pdf 203 KB Download


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